Girl up Nyatsime – Martha & Judith’s Gap Year Story

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Martha and Judith are part of Makomborero’s 2018 Intake and graduated following their A-Levels in 2019. In the time before going to University, they witnessed the pressing issues faced by the young women in their community and decided to do something about it. Here is their inspiring story. Martha: I did not take a gap […]

An Update from Mark and Laura Albertyn – 2nd Term 2020

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Please find below the latest Makomborero news from the 2nd term of 2020. Term News What a weird term it has been!  Covid-19 has changed the world and changed everything at Makomborero.  We have had to pause many of our projects over the last few months.  However, it has given us lots of time to […]

What Makomborero means to me

Desire in the Library

Recently when we asked our Alumni where they were studying during Lock Down, Desire got back to us with the following message. My journey with Makomborero started in 2015 as I headed for my A-Levels. I do not really know how to put the words together to really describe what the charity means to me. […]

The Personal Story of Edwin, A Makomborero Pioneer Student.


My journey hasn’t been an easy one. But if it was a life I would be asked to choose to relive or otherwise, I would choose it again. Not that everything I have met along the way has been enjoyable – NO.  I would choose to relive it for the reason that it has been […]

My Journey Towards Good Mental Health

Tadiwa and friends

My first semester was hard, but it was during this semester that I grew mentally and emotionally. When I got my scholarship to study at the American University of Beirut, I could not wait to experience this new chapter of my life. When I met people, I approached them with optimism and a huge smile […]

My Journey So Far, As A Student


I believe that a tiny step of courage is always a good place to start. Since my childhood, it has always been my mission, and most importantly my family’s desire, to see me being stubborn about my goals and never afraid to be smart. I grew up in a society which deemed that if you […]

Tadiwanashe’s Story – Life after Makomborero – The Next Steps!

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“Six months is a very long time”, is what I told myself after I graduated from high school. My long holiday was short and full of exciting experiences.  I took part in many activities which were great  fun and taught me lots. The first thing I did after graduation was get a job. I started […]

An Update from Blessing Musungate


After graduating last year as one of the top students from my university, I had a clear goal: study a master’s degree on a full scholarship. However, things did not go according to plan as I couldn’t get any one of three scholarships I had applied for. I immediately set out to do plan B, […]