Graduation 2019

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Laura Albertyn’s 2019 graduation speech Welcome everyone!  It is always an honour to get to address you each year as we have another opportunity to reflect. This year – phew!  We made it!  I think all of us are beginning to breathe a sigh of relief – the end is near.  At times this year […]

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Day 2019

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By Winnie, Martha and Tinaye Exhaustion nudged at my core after sitting for almost an hour listening to people’s presentations on the Sustainable Development Goals but still I failed to understand how I, as an individual, can aim to reach for a goal set out by someone else and maybe change the world. The goals […]

Tatenda’s Community Project

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With the help of other former Makomborero students – Takudzwanashe, Belinda, Roy and Kuda, Tatenda ran a community give back project going by the name ACT (Action for Community Transformation). The group started the program by sending out application forms to high school students in Epworth. Applying into the program helped the team to know […]

Tanaka’s Community Action Programme

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Between the 14th and the 24th of August, I had the incredible opportunity of running my Community Action Program at Highfield 1 High School in Harare, Zimbabwe. Through my partnership with the school and Netro Electronics Zimbabwe, we introduced the Python computer programming language and robotics to students in their last 3 years of high […]

Graduation 2018


Laura Albertyn’s 2018 graduation speech Well it is that time of year again and we love graduation time! I can’t start my speech today without acknowledging the pain Makomborero has faced this year.  It has been a sad year for the Makomborero family, losing 3 people suddenly who were part of us.  The terrible tragic […]

Prince Shares His Achievements with Enactus Edinburgh


Makomborero Zimbabwe taught me to be a student who always seeks to expand his knowledge beyond academic studies, through which I developed a keenness to harness and hone a diverse range of skills in leadership, public speaking and entrepreneurship. Just over a year ago, I joined the Enactus Society at Edinburgh university, where I am […]

Belinda’s story – from Makomborero to a Botstiber Scholarship!


“I vividly remember my last day at the Makomborero boarding house, packing up and saying the emotional farewells to the lower sixes and Mother Banga, feeling nervous and ecstatic at this new life chapter I was going to embark on. I was no longer a High school student and the cold truth tardily sank in!!! Makomborero had nurtured me […]

Student Stories – Belinda


I am a determined girl who is hardworking and strongly willed to make it in life regardless of any obstacles that may come my way. This trait I acquired from my mother who tirelessly works for my brother, cousins and I to live a better life. My best characteristic is my perseverance. I do not believe […]

Student Stories – Chenai


Hi, I’m Chenai. I go to Hellenic International Academy. What I have to say about myself really is nothing new, a cliche even. However, what drives me out of bed every morning, and keeps me focused, only applies to me. My passion, I feel, is not as common. I am the first and only girl in a […]