
An Update from Blessing Musungate

After graduating last year as one of the top students from my university, I had a clear goal: study a master’s degree on a full scholarship. However, things did not go according to plan as I couldn’t get any one of three scholarships I had applied for. I immediately set out to do plan B, which was to find a job here in Turkey. That too, failed. The other plan I tried was to set myself up as a freelance developer but the venture was fruitless.

My experience after university, in term of getting started with my career, was quite tough but I received incredible support from my dear friends here. I’m very grateful to them. My hardships did not stop me from enjoying my time in Turkey. In February, I went skiing for the first time!

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A few weeks ago, I got a job as a remote software developer (part-time) for a UK firm. I am very thankful for the opportunity. As for immediate future plans, I’m thinking of starting a master’s degree this year probably in Turkey.

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Turkey hasn’t been spared by the coronavirus pandemic. The country is in partial lockdown, with most of the big cities, including Izmir – the city I reside in, having more restrictions. I am doing well, keeping safe and observing health precautions. I pray and hope that the pandemic will end soon. My thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost their loved ones and those who are ill due to COVID-19.

By Blessing Musungate

Blessing Musungate was part of Makomborero’s 2012 Intake and attended Gateway High School. He studied Electronic Engineering at Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey.

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