Donate to Makomborero

Regular Giving & One-Off Donations by Debit/Credit Card

If you would like to make a donation to support Makomborero’s A-Level Scholarship programme and core activities, the quickest and easiest way is by Debit/Credit Card. We can accept UK and international credit and debit cards.

You can either set up a recurring payment or make a one-off donation. To do this, please click the “DONATE NOW” button below. All payments are processed securely by Stripe and go directly to Makomborero.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider whether you can “Gift Aid” the donation as this will boost your donation to Makomborero by 25%, at no extra cost to you. Every donation, of any size, will make an enormous difference to these lives!

If you want to donate in other ways from Zimbabwe and from around the world, please click here.

Regular Giving from a UK Bank Account

If you have a UK bank account and would like to set up a regular donation to support Makomborero, the easiest way to do this is to set up a direct debit, please click the “SET UP A DIRECT DEBIT” button below. All Direct Debits are processed securely through

If you are a UK tax payer, please tick the “Are you eligible for Gift Aid?” box so we can claim an extra 25p for every Pound donated. Even a small donation will make an enormous difference to these lives!

If you would rather set up a standing order from your UK bank account yourself, you can get the necessary details by clicking this link and completing the form.

If you would like to Gift Aid your standing order donation, you should click the link in the Gift Aid section below.

Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving (also known as Give As You Earn or workplace giving) is a valuable, long term source of revenue for Makomborero, providing regular income to help us budget and plan ahead more effectively.

Not only is Payroll Giving really simple, but it’s also very tax effective. How come? Because your donation gets deducted before you pay the taxman. For instance, if you donate £5, only £4 comes out of your salary and the taxman pays the rest. And if you are a higher rate tax payer, a donation of £5 to Makomborero would only cost you £3!

payroll give as you earn

So ask your employer or pension provider if they run a Payroll Giving scheme and if they do not, please ask them to set one up. There are a range of Give As You Earn providers and here is a list of UK agencies approved by the HMRC.

Gift Aiding your Donations in the UK

If you have previously made a donation to Makomborero and did not opt into Gift Aid but would like to do so now, please click this link for more information and to complete the Gift Aid Declaration.

Makomborero never uses street collectors or asks for cash from its supporters. If you’d like to donate please use one of the methods listed on this page. They’re quick, easy and secure. If you notice someone fundraising for us and are not sure that they’re legitimate please email us so we can check them out. Thanks for your support!