
Belinda’s Journey: From Makomborero to Botstiber Scholarship

“I vividly remember my last day at the Makomborero boarding house, packing up and saying the emotional farewells to the lower sixes and Mother Banga, feeling nervous and ecstatic at this new life chapter I was going to embark on. I was no longer a High school student and the cold truth tardily sank in!!!

Makomborero had nurtured me for the past two years of my life , moulded me into the new, world knowledgeable, multifaceted, amazing individual I never thought I would be, but the million dollar question at this juncture was; now that I’m out in the world, what’s next……?

My plan was not to waste any time being idle at home.  I wanted to be productive and gain work experience, so late November 2017 I applied for an internship at Omnia Nutriology. To the thrill of it the General Manager, after seeing my CV and cover letter, had an ignited interest in me. She invited me for a short interview, and starting on the 2nd of January 2018, I had landed myself my first job.

My position was Office Administrator Assistant working in the Sales department. Being someone who always stuck her mind in Sciences I found the commercial field fascinating. My duties included clerical work, data input, filing, soil sampling, and assisting the chemicals staff at times. The exposure has been magical. I got a first hand feel of how the working field is really like, got knowledgeable about the Agricultural department in Zimbabwe and how those who’re flourishing at it are actually doing it. I got to appreciate the importance of Marketing and how to strategically initiate it. Wrapping it all up, I must say being at Omnia Nutriology has been a remarkable learning phase of my life and I’ve absolutely loved it!!!!

2018 has just been a splendid year!!! With the help of the phenomenal Education matters staff, I applied and got into Penn State under the prestigious Botstiber Scholarship which will cover all my university expenses, provide a high standard education and expose me to leadership seminars , mentorships and internship opportunities. As I am awaiting my departure in early August, my heart is overwhelmed with expectation, excitement, thrill and of course sadness of leaving my family and friends behind. And I’m beautifully moving from one life stage to the next, from Makomborero student to USAP student and now I am a Botstiber scholar!!!!

During this period I have also assisted in the launching of the Girl Child Mentorship, with my three other Makomborero sisters and of course, the golden-hearted Mrs A. The experience has been sensational, meeting and mentoring the form 2 girls , getting to know them and them to trust us, I have just been humbled. The mentorship programme has given me something to look forward to every Saturday morning and the rare opportunity of forming a relationship with a stranger and to make an impact in their life. I couldn’t be more grateful!!!!”



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