A Round Up Of 2022

A Level Students

2022 has ended on a high note despite some challenges and the sadness of saying goodbye to our Upper Sixth students. We were able to hold our usual end of year events such as Girl Child Lunch, Testing Process, Graduation and Christmas Party without the re-jigging and the dodging of curve balls that we had […]

Term 1 update – April 2022

externals tablets

A good start to the new year! 2022 begins with a few welcomes! We are so pleased to be able to start 2022 with you and to give you an update of the first term. We can’t believe we are in April already! This year we have welcomed 27 new students to the Makomborero family […]

What Makomborero means to me

Desire in the Library

Recently when we asked our Alumni where they were studying during Lock Down, Desire got back to us with the following message. My journey with Makomborero started in 2015 as I headed for my A-Levels. I do not really know how to put the words together to really describe what the charity means to me. […]

The Personal Story of Edwin, A Makomborero Pioneer Student.


My journey hasn’t been an easy one. But if it was a life I would be asked to choose to relive or otherwise, I would choose it again. Not that everything I have met along the way has been enjoyable – NO.  I would choose to relive it for the reason that it has been […]

My Journey Towards Good Mental Health

Tadiwa and friends

My first semester was hard, but it was during this semester that I grew mentally and emotionally. When I got my scholarship to study at the American University of Beirut, I could not wait to experience this new chapter of my life. When I met people, I approached them with optimism and a huge smile […]