Returning Zimbabwean gives his time for Makomborero

I was on Facebook one day when I saw a photo of Makomborero pop up in the right hand corner of my screen. “What’s this?” I thought to myself. I followed the link to the Makomborero website and quickly became very intrigued by their mission and accomplishments. I emailed Mark and asked more about their […]

First Term 2012

We had a great start to the year – welcoming the 3rd addition to our family Ella Thea Albertyn. She is a precious gift who we feel very blessed to have in our lives. The year has started well with the scholarship project. We are now operating under our new Trust: Makomborero Zimbabwe as well […]

Third Term 2011

We have had a great 3rd term. Lots to try and squeeze into this newsletter! 2012?? What happens next?…this has been a question on our minds for the last few months. We want to see the scholarship programme become sustainable year-on-year but increasingly felt that the students would be best served if they were fully […]

November Fundraising

A very big thank you to the six crazy men, including Steve and Jonathan for their Movember facial hair growing efforts this month, and to the girls of Norris House, Benenden School who all wore moustaches for a day! Well done guys – a total of £1805.43 raised! Also a huge thank you to Steff […]

Second Term 2011

We have had a fantastic second term. The students came back to a house that looked more like a home. We were able to put in place systems to help this term run efficiently and are so enjoying having our House Mum full time with us now!!! All the students were thrilled to be back! […]

April 2011 – A Successful First Term

February was a frantic month with the setting up of the Scholarship Programme. We were doing up the boarding house, fundraising with local companies, sorting out school uniforms, teachers, text books and going through the gruelling task of selecting just 15 scholarship students from 150 applicants. The boarding house is set up and has been […]

July 2010 – A Note from the Trustees

We would like to open this newsletter with a big thank you to all of you that have made Mark and Laura’s return to Zimbabwe possible. We have been blown away by the generosity of some individuals, companies, various schools and charities. Thank you, thank you!! We were excited to send Mark and Laura back […]

February 2010 – A Note from the Trustees

It has been a whole year since our last Newsletter! A lot has happened in this time and we are excited that Mark and Laura now have a date for their return to Zimbabwe, 13th July 2010. We continue to work towards raising enough support for them for their return. Over the last year we […]

February 2009 – A Trip to Zimbabwe

Happy New Year to all of you!!! This year has started with lots of snow in England – so beautiful! We are thrilled to announce number 2 is on its way and is due at the end of August! So we will be a family of 4!! Laura, Matthew and I had the opportunity to […]