February 2010 – A Note from the Trustees

It has been a whole year since our last Newsletter! A lot has happened in this time and we are excited that Mark and Laura now have a date for their return to Zimbabwe, 13th July 2010. We continue to work towards raising enough support for them for their return.

Over the last year we have been involved in a number of fundraising initiatives to both raise money for, and awareness of, Makomborero.

Over the Christmas period we sold our own Christmas Card with 100% of the proceeds coming to Makomborero. We are currently producing a calendar to sell during this year for 2011, with beautiful pictures of Zimbabwe. We will also be hosting a few events to raise money over the coming months, as well as approaching businesses and individuals for financial support.

Our commitment continues to be that of finding adequate financial support for Mark and Laura as they return to Zimbabwe and funds for the added extras the school will require outside the funding that has been secured for the running of the school in Turf, through partnership with The Mabukuweni Foundation.

A big thank you to:
Benenden School, Staff, Pupils and Parents
for their continued support of Makomborero
through various events hosted at the school to raise funds.

Stepping out – Mark and Laura’s return to Zimbabwe

Feb10 1Happy New Year to all of you!!! We are now a family of 4 – our precious daughter, Zoe Roslynne arrived in August 2009!! We have adjusted to life as a bigger family and are enjoying all that having two kids brings to our lives!!!

As you know Laura and I have been working towards returning to Zimbabwe since we arrived in the UK just over 6 years ago. At times it has felt like we have been holding onto a vision that would never come to fruition but in the last few months God has given us the faith to believe that the timing of our return is upon us and we are excited about the work we will be doing in Zimbabwe!!! We have booked one way tickets back for the 13th July 2010!! Eek!! Exciting but a little scary too!!

This has been a big step for me (Mark), particularly as I feel a huge responsibility towards my family. It will be hard saying goodbye We also want to keep up our links here, hence the charity being set up, planning on returning to the UK regularly, regular updates on our blog and quarterly charity newsletters!! So though we will be over 10 000 km away – we will stay in touch.

Over the past 6 years we set up Makomborero with Trustees from the UK. We are excited about moving out to Turf, to run the A-level Centre there. It is attached to a local government senior school. Makomborero will contribute to our living expenses and added extras for the school. It will be a big cultural adjustment for us as a family, as we have never lived in such a rural setting but we are excited by it. We feel that our return to Zimbabwe will allow us to raise the profile of Makomborero through the work we are doing, which in turn will hopefully encourage other organisations to help support the work financially. We will also be setting up a sponsor-a-child scheme towards the end of this year.

The A-level centre is doing well with 32 students currently enrolled. Laura and I look forward to getting stuck into life at Turf but in the meantime we focus on raising enough support for our return and enjoying the last few months of life in the UK. We have grown to love this country and all that it has given us as a family. We shall be sad to say goodbye to special friends, an amazing church and the incredible school I work at – Benenden.

Written by: Laura Albertyn

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