MUTSIDZIRA – our communities in our hands!

Mutsidzira community grant programme

Makomborero Zimbabwe is excited to have launched a community grant programme, called Mutsidzira, which means “to revive” in Shona. The selection process has begun and projects will take off in January 2021. Zimbabwean cultures are generally well known for their togetherness and community spirit. The saying ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ is […]

We have a Winner! – Creating a logo for Mutsidzira

DRUM ROLL PLEASE….WE HAVE A MUTSIDZIRA LOGO WINNER! Makomborero has launched a community grant programme for past Makomborero students called Mutsidzira, which means ‘to revive’. We thought, who better to design a logo for Mutsidzira than our past students so we had some fun with a ‘Mutsidzira logo competition’. The best logo stood to win […]

Girl up Nyatsime – Martha & Judith’s Gap Year Story

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Martha and Judith are part of Makomborero’s 2018 Intake and graduated following their A-Levels in 2019. In the time before going to University, they witnessed the pressing issues faced by the young women in their community and decided to do something about it. Here is their inspiring story. Martha: I did not take a gap […]