Meet the Makomborero Zimbabwe Office Staff

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You have heard a lot about the different goings-on at Makomborero Zimbabwe. Lower Sixth selection process, our Christmas parties, Graduations, Girl Child, Mobile Science Lab and Mutsidzira to mention a few. But who is working behind the scenes to make these a success? Well, we wanted to let you know so in this blog post, […]

An Update from Mark and Laura Albertyn – 3rd Term 2020

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We have come to the end of our 10th year  of Makomborero Zimbabwe and what a year it has been!  Our Internal students were able to return to their schools in September, which saw the end of online learning for them.  This was a wonderful opportunity to return to some kind of normal education – […]

An Update from Mark and Laura Albertyn – 2nd Term 2020

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Please find below the latest Makomborero news from the 2nd term of 2020. Term News What a weird term it has been!  Covid-19 has changed the world and changed everything at Makomborero.  We have had to pause many of our projects over the last few months.  However, it has given us lots of time to […]

The Resource Centre – What it Means to our Students

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We have now been occupying our new Resource Centre for two months, and so we thought we would share with you what this property means for our students, and the difference it is having on their ability to study. For the majority of Zimbabweans the focus of their lives just to survive! For them, life […]

Looking back to September 2012

In September 2012, we were approached by Espoon yhteislyseo Upper Secondary School in Finland to partner with them as they ran a Global Citizenship Course learning about third world countries. Our students were asked to write articles about Zimbabwe, our culture, food, music, schooling etc. The Finnish students also shared information on Finland etc. It […]