Our Chairman’s Visit to Makomborero Zimbabwe

I was fortunate to visit our delivery team, beneficiaries and partners in Zimbabwe last February. The warmth everywhere I went ensured a great time. Witnessing the dedication of staff first hand was impressive; from liaising with office administrators, to shopping in Mbare with the Resource Centre ‘Mother’ (Mrs Banga), and being chauffeured round by Mike. […]
Graduation 2019

Laura Albertyn’s 2019 graduation speech Welcome everyone! It is always an honour to get to address you each year as we have another opportunity to reflect. This year – phew! We made it! I think all of us are beginning to breathe a sigh of relief – the end is near. At times this year […]
Graduation 2018

Laura Albertyn’s 2018 graduation speech Well it is that time of year again and we love graduation time! I can’t start my speech today without acknowledging the pain Makomborero has faced this year. It has been a sad year for the Makomborero family, losing 3 people suddenly who were part of us. The terrible tragic […]
Nathan visits Makomborero Zimbabwe

Nathan has volunteered as Finance Trustee of Makomborero UK for the past 6 years and as a family, we frequently talk about and pray for the work of Makomborero Zimbabwe. Despite living thousands of miles away we have captured the vision of what the charity aims to achieve in support of Zimbabwe’s young people. I […]
Mark’s Trip to the Akwanya Workshop in Rochester

Our founder, Mark Albertyn, was recently invited to the US for 10 days to represent Makomborero Zimbabwe with Akwanya who we partner with. Akwanya, which in Twi translates to “a path towards opportunity” is part of The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program. It creates higher education opportunities for academically talented, yet economically disadvantaged African students, and […]
Remember, Remember the 5th of November…
On a date that is synonymous with the House of Lords gunpowder plot, Makomborero was privileged to take part in a House of Lords event in support of UK charities working in Zimbabwe. The event was attended by two of our Trustees Nicola Baldwin and Nathan Whitaker and here is their report. Over the summer […]
One of our trustees visits Makomborero Zimbabwe

A little over a year ago (how time flies), Debbie, one of our trustees, boarded a flight to Zimbabwe to see for herself how we are working over there. This is her story… Thurs/Fri – land in Dubai 7 am/2am English time, having had no sleep, not feeling my best! 2 hrs to kill then […]