Student Stories – Sikhosana


My name is Sikhosana Lesley Dhliwayo. I was born on 22 August 1997 in Harare, Zimbabwe. I am now aged 16.

I was born in Glen Norah, Harare, and stayed there until l was Grade 3. I did my Grade 1 to 3 at lnfill Primary School. I was staying with my grandmother then because my mother was working. We then migrated to Norton where I finished my Primary education at Vimbai Primary School. I came out with 6 units for Grade 7.

I did the whole of my O-Level education at St Eric High School. At this school some students learn outside classrooms and we have sessions. Some students come in the morning and some in the afternoon because there are too many students for the available classrooms and there are only two government schools in Norton. There was a shortage of books until UNICEF donated some textbooks for major subjects excluding sciences.

My parents and guardians started facing problems in paying my fees when I was in Form 1. The school fees were $52 a term. Although I would spend some weeks without going to school I continued to struggle for my education. My grandmother also shifted to the outskirts of Norton so l had to walk a long distance to school because there was no money for me to use the lifts every day.

Since I started Form 1, I have always wanted to be an aircraft engineer, but it was in Form 3 that I realised that I had to do sciences at A-Level in order to pursue a science career. Apparently, St Eric High School, which was then my school, did not offer sciences at A-Level and only offered Physical Science at O-Level. This was the same with Vimbai High School, the other government school in Norton. I then lost a bit of hope because, seeing the financial status of my parent and guardian, there was no way they were going to afford to send me to a school with the required facilities.

This was a bit of a setback but I continued to struggle and worked hard because I wanted to pass my O-Levels. I hoped I could get a scholarship to aid me with my A-Sikho1Level education so that I could follow my passion. This was a part of my prayer every day.

It was during our last term, just before we wrote our final exams that my English teacher told us that there were some forms for a scholarship for those who faced financial problems and wanted to do science or commercial subjects at A-Level. I saw this as an opportunity and I applied along with nine others.

I was very happy when I was called for the first round of Makomborero testing. I was very grateful when I finally got the scholarship and I could not express how I felt! It was an opportunity of a lifetime to be allowed a chance to go to a very good private school with everything one needs for a good education. At the time when I had just got the scholarship, O-Level results came out and I had 10As, 1B and 1C.

Now I am doing Lower 6 at St George’s College, the best school in Zimbabwe and I am enjoying each and every bit of A-Level. I hope I will pass my end of year exams and I am working hard to attain good results.

I am grateful for the opportunity that Makomborero Zimbabwe offered me and I hope that in the future I will be able to do the same for some students who are in the same situation as I was.

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