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Student Stories – Lesleen – My journey to success!

My journey to success started on the 22nd of February 1994; yes it started on the day I was born when my parents wished success to follow me all the days of my life. My name is Lesleen Muzavazi and I live with my family in the high density suburb called Budiriro. Being the second born in a family of five, I have had the advantage of having someone to look up to that is my sister and at the same time having my younger sibling look up to me. I did my Primary Education at Budiriro 5 Primary School. I cannot say life was tough back then, it was just different. I remember waking up early in the morning and going to school without having breakfast and almost every day without a lunchbox then coming back later from school and having my first meal of the day. It was the “normal” every day school routine and I was so much used to it that I did not even complain. I also have this clear memory of the time I got my first report card in grade one. My class position was 34 out of 50. Naturally I was supposed to be sad because I had not done well but I was neither happy nor sad because I had no idea what it meant. I worked very hard in the seven years of my primary education and I developed this amazing quest for knowledge so that my last report card showed that I was the best student not in my class only but also in my grade.

Still on this journey of mine to success, in 2007 I went to a nearby school called Mufakose 2 High School for my Secondary Education. The turning point of my life came when one afternoon my class teacher brought scholarship application forms from Makomborero Zimbabwe. A few students were selected to fill the forms and I was fortunate enough to be one of them. Many students even from other schools made it for the interview but a few got the scholarship, I was one of the few. In addition to getting a scholarship for my A-Level education I passed my O-Level exams with flying colours, 9 As and a B. My A-Level education was an amazing 2 years for me and the other students who got Makomborero scholarships. I got to experience the other better half of life. We were 15 and used to live in this big nice house in Bluff Hill, a low density suburb. We used to have a lot of fun activities such as games nights, baking nights, participating in a variety of Makomborero Zimbabwe fundraising events and we travelled a lot too. My highlight was when we went to South Africa for the 48th National Science Olympiad in 2012 and I obtained the 3rd place in Life Sciences. A-Level was more challenging than O-Level but nevertheless I passed with an A* in Biology, an A in Chemistry and a B in Mathematics in the international Cambridge exams.


It was on the 19th of August 2013 when I started my Tertiary Education at the University of Zimbabwe. I made it into Medical School, finally fulfilling my dream to be a Medical Doctor. I must say it is exciting and exhausting at the same time. I am now in my third year. I strongly believe that I have made it this far not only because of the financial support from Makomborero Zimbabwe, Public Service Medical Insurance and other well-wishers but also because of the love and encouragement from family and friends. Lastly, my journey to success does not only focus on me being one of the best doctors of all times but also on becoming the best mom one day and a good God fearing Christian.

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